Friday, March 6, 2015

Why Do You Want to Get Married?

In mid January, I received news of a cousin who passed away, in very unfortunate circumstances. Not even 40 yet, she had her whole life ahead of her, and yet she passed away in her father's house after a long illness, leaving behind an estranged husband and a 13 year old daughter. As what was once her life was dissected, I discovered that for the last 5 years of her life, she lived apart from her husband. She injured her legs, and was having mobility issues. Her husband dropped her and their daughter off at her mother's, in the village, for what was supposed to be a brief visit, and he never returned -- until the day of her burial. It is also certain that in the time apart from his wife, he is with another woman (perhaps a new wife) and has children. Every three months or so, he sent my cousin 5000 naira ($26) to take care of herself and their daughter. Numerous calls were made to the man, to come and help her aging mother and aunt take care of his wife, but to no avail. He wasn't even planning to attend her funeral, until he was told that his absence would result in a curse being placed on him.